What caused God?

Ever wonder where God came from? It's a conundrum that our minds can't really wrap around, but then again, the idea that something must have an origin or creator is a matter of physics verses spirit. At any rate, here are some resources on the subject. https://chab123.wordpress.com/2015/08/16/resources-on-the-what-caused-god-objection/

“Shut Up, Bigot!”: The Intolerance of Tolerance


This is pretty lengthy, but well worth the read. We’ve all heard the arguments about tolerance, or should I say intolerance in the name of tolerance? Here’s a good look at the problem.


Here is a great article written by Ben Crenshaw at The Witherspoon Institute

By Ben Crenshaw

Conservatives are called bigots because those who embrace the new sexual mores are beholden to the new tolerance as a plausibility structure. Postmodern liberals cannot comprehend the idea that one could simultaneously reject a belief and accept the person who holds it.

America is in the midst of a raging national debate on issues surrounding sexuality and gender. If you dare to suggest that gender is determined by sex and is immutable, that same-sex sex acts are immoral, or that marriage is a permanent, exclusive union of husband and wife, then you will be called an intolerant bigot, hater, and homophobe.

Where does the charge of bigotry come from? Is it just a passing fad, a political and social tool for power and control, or do its roots go deeper?

Bigotry is defined as

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